Links to Satanism

The Book of Shadows , as it is entitled contains personal rituals that are done most frequent.

This book plays an important part in self style satanism and witchcraft.  Aleister Crowley who died in 1947 also had part in originating the first Book of Shadows. A practitioner of black magik in the early 1900s he was self proclaimed as  the beast 666. He took part in ceremonial satanic sex rituals  with  animals  and  children.  William  Schnoebelen
remarks;  'If Wiccans aren’t Satanist why do two of their prominent spokespeople take such pains to associate themselves with the century’s leading Satanist.

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Becoming a Witch

The Source of Evil Power

There has been documented cases of generational lines of witchcraft practitioners as well as satanic worship.  Children are indoctrinated by the early and innocent age of 2 or 3 years old.
Ritual abuse survivors have in all cases and from all areas of the world spoke of horrifying and grotesque practices that had been done to them on a continuous bases. Click Here For More Information


European folklore tells of two major festivals for witches-April 30, the grand sabots Beltane, Samhain (Sabot Festival Night) and October 31, All Hallows Eve, known today as Halloween. This is said when the barriers between the world to life and death are thin as veils, allowing the dead to walk among the living. Witches normally meet monthly during the full moon in local
covens of thirteen people. The number at meetings may vary, however, from as few as five witches to as many as several thousand. These meetings are called sabbats.


    Is Satanism  a hard  reality in America, or is it a psychiatric metaphor for a society going mad? Perhaps both.
    While it is possible that some individuals might be using Satanism as  a convenient scapegoat for the  horrible tortures suffered  during their childhood, the sheer number telling similar tales argues against this. But could it possibly be this bad? Not only is it as bad as reported, it is worse than we ever imagined and seems headed toward becoming even more open and destructive.
    Most people  in  the western  world  really don't believe in the existence of evil and the spiritual reality of GOD and Satan. This makes it difficult to confront Satan and Satanism and all its varieties. Daily, police discover ritualistic murders of children, adults, and animals, as well as a up rise in reported incest, torture, and the worst forms of sexual abuse.
    It seems that Americans would rather use sociology, psychology, and psychiatry to explain these bizarre behaviors from a scientific frame of reference. They simply don't want to face the spiritual reality implied by the evidence. But if we tail to understand Satanism and view it as just another cult (an extreme bizarre and gruesome one), we will be impotent to resist it or save and heal its victims.
Hartgrove Hospital in Chicago opened a psychiatric unit in 1989 for young people who were experimenting with Satanism. The treatment used was  traditional  psychotherapy  and confrontation,  similar  to  the approaches used to treat drug abusers.
The fact that there is a recognition of the growing need for treatment of these adolescence is commendable; yet a concern about the refusal to recognize the spiritual implications of the problem.
    Naturally, most Satanist don't make their activities public, but a few flamboyant leaders have emerged. Anton LaVey formed the Church of Satan in 1966, in San Francisco.  LaVey was a carnival man so he gave a "showbiz" flavor to worshipping Satan.

LaVey declared himself to be the "black pope of Satanism." but his most lasting impact was his authorship of the Satan satanic bible. Which has made its way into the hands and minds of our young people without opposition to the content. 

Michael Aquino formerly a follower of LaVey formed the Temple of Set in 1975 taking the name of the mythological Egyptian god of death. He is a highly visible spokesmen for Satanism and is on television talk shows often. His approach is intellectual. He has a Ph.D. in political science and was a lieutenant in the United States Army, with top clearance. He practices black magick and is a Nazi sympathizer. We need to look beneath its show business surface to discover the extent to which its horrifying effects have reached into our nations life. We can best define the movement by discussing four levels of involvement in Satanism.


    The entrance to Satan’s realm is through the occult experimenters or dabblers may begin by reading books on witchcraft and occult practices.  Many then progress to using Ouija boards tarot cards, or the Dungeons and Dragons game.  Some visit séances or attempt astral travel.
Many young people enter through the door of heavy metal, and some rap music with satanic and violent lyrics. These experimenters entering the supernatural realm are  unaware of the danger to their lives.
     Heavy metal  punk rockers and satanic groups have emerged as new gang phenomena and greatly differ from traditional street gangs. The characteristics of these gangs are: members are usually white and middle class; they listen to heavy metal rock music; nothing traditionally
held sacred is recognized; their behavior is violent- they enjoy shock value:
they have little parental authority and believe in anarchy; and their goal is to destroy  not protect. These groups activities include drawing graffiti using illegal drugs, abusing children often times their own siblings, and assaulting parents. Grave robbing and desecration of animal and human remains are some of the more bizarre activities associated with these groups.


A deeper level of involvement comes with the adolescent having easy access to books about witchcraft, and the satanic bible. In these books you find occult information incantations, and spells. Once these dabblers try the rituals presented in these books, and find that they truly work it creates and sense of power over the unknown. Members of these groups meet regularly to perform rituals and devise evil. Members of these groups have high levels of commitment and serious addiction to satanic practices. It is not unusual for these self- styled cultists to turn up in the news. Many serial killers, the Stalker Richard Ramirez for example, are admitted Satanist.
Ramirez was suspected and found guilty in some twenty gruesome murders and two dozen sexual attacks.

He was into heavy metal music and drugs, and he had a pentagram carved into his hand in some cases links to Satanism have been uncovered in investigations but were suppressed by police seeking to avert copycat crimes.

Police  departments  across  the  country  are  finding  increasing evidence of Satanism at crime scenes such as symbols of the pentagram upside down crosses,  the  number of the (666) dead animals circles drawn on the floor or ground, ritual tools, and the satanic bible.
These type of headlines fill the media in every part of the world.  The news tells of mass murders such as David Berkowitz Son of Sam" who terrorized New York, Texas, North Dakota, and California  Writer Maury Terry researched Berkowitz for seven years and found that a group of Satanist  were  involved  in  the  killings. Another cult motivated cannibalistic murderer in the headlines is Jeffrey Dommer.  His gruesome acts that went unnoticed even after a victim somehow got free to inform police.

 It  is  the  underworld  of  occult  crimes, that  is  the  most discussed  issue  in  law  enforcement  circles  today.  The  crimes  are frightening; a homicide where the decapitated victim is surrounded by colored beads, seven coins and a chicken feather; ritual sacrifices at wooded sites where black- robed cultist mutilate animals on alters; other homicides where the corpses are found drained of blood with symbols such as a pentagram or inverted cross carved into their chests; drug and pornography rings with nationwide connections to occult groups; carefully executed grave robbing; Satanic rituals and human sacrifices involving children. Many stories have been documented as told to police by hundreds of children  in  preschools throughout the United  States,  all of them relating similar horrors.


    There are some families in which Satanism has been practiced for generations, its secrets being passed from parent to child and from one generation to the next. There are no written records of membership; contracts with Satan are signed by members in their own blood and then burned by their high priests and priestesses. One such group is called the Brotherhood It draws its members from all walks of life.
Groups such as the Brotherhood regularly practice human as well as animal sacrifice incest is regarded as a normal expected activity as is eating human flesh and drinking blood.  They are careful the no trace can ever be found.  They often have a portable crematorium to use in disposing of the bodies of their victims. They cleanse their meeting places which are often in Christian churches that have been broke into for this purpose of  ritual worship. Because  of  the  care they take,  law enforcement officials have difficulty investigating them.
    Such groups would never announce in the media that they are starting a Satanist church for secrecy is a top priority  and  sever punishment is given to those who break it. The Brotherhood has a very effective network across the country. They are able to control and keep touch  with members, especially  those  who wish to leave. All this knowledge is passed down and used as a tool to keep offspring in line.


The deepest level of Satanism  belongs to the Illuminate which means Holders of the Light  These people profess to  have special intellectual or spiritual enlightenment. Lucifer is called “Light Bearer” or “enlightened one” which is where Illuminate is derived from.
There is still very little public knowledge about this high level international
organization. The Illuminate holds these following goals as an organization as well as individually;


1  Bob Larson, (Satanism Seduction of America’s youth)
2  Dr. Ken OIson EXORCISM fact or fiction?
3  Larry Kahaner CULTS THAT KILL (Probing the underworld of occult crimes)


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Updated 2018